I am an Associate Teaching Professor at the McCourt School of Public Policy and an Associate Research Professor at the Massive Data Institute, Georgetown University. Prior to this position , I was an Associate Professor in American Politics at Mississippi State University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration.
My research expertise covers two important dimensions of the electoral process: a. the institutional framework that structures access to voting, and b. the administrative framework that conditions a voter’s right to be informed. Specifically, my research focuses on testing a theory of collaborative governance to illustrate how institutional and administrative rules across the states affect voter behavior. I laid the foundation of this theory in my book, titled The Administration of Voter Registration: Patterns and Variation Across and Within the American States (2021), I argue that institutional design, the variation in state and local administrative procedures and the provision of information can negatively affect the voter experience, broadly defined. I have demonstrated the robustness of this theoretical argument in a series of publications in outlets such as Social Science Quarterly, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, American Politics Research, Election Law Journal, Public Integrity, Policy Studies, the Journal of Election Administration, Research and Practice, and Social Science Research.
One of the most significant, I argue, contributions in the study of Election Sciences, is my scholarship on voter education and the role it plays in building a resilient electorate and election system. This research is grounded in the work election officials are playing in informing voters, and which resources they have available to better service their voters. I discuss the different ways election officials educate their constituents in Local Election Administrators in the United States: The Frontline of Democracy (2024) which I co-edited with leading scholars in the election space. Since the 2020 election cycle, I have also been co-directing the Election Official Communications Tracker (with Dr. Mara Suttmann-Lea, Connecticut College), a big data collection and analysis project, which involves harvesting thousands of social media content by over 8,000 election officials across the United States. For the 2022 election cycle, I received a grant from MIT's Election Science and Data Lab to track state and local election officials' social media communications and identify best practices in how they combat misinformation. We are replicating these efforts during the 2024 cycle with the support form Public Agenda's Democracy Renewal Grant Program.
To further build on my ongoing research on voter education in the United States, I received a two-year contract from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (with Dr. Suttmann-Lea, Connecticut College), to design, administer and analyze a survey of state Chief Election Officials to document variation in voter education policies and resources allocated to voter education at the state level. This project will provide the foundation to replicate this study across the thousands of local election jurisdictions in the United States. You can read our report here.
My research expertise covers two important dimensions of the electoral process: a. the institutional framework that structures access to voting, and b. the administrative framework that conditions a voter’s right to be informed. Specifically, my research focuses on testing a theory of collaborative governance to illustrate how institutional and administrative rules across the states affect voter behavior. I laid the foundation of this theory in my book, titled The Administration of Voter Registration: Patterns and Variation Across and Within the American States (2021), I argue that institutional design, the variation in state and local administrative procedures and the provision of information can negatively affect the voter experience, broadly defined. I have demonstrated the robustness of this theoretical argument in a series of publications in outlets such as Social Science Quarterly, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, American Politics Research, Election Law Journal, Public Integrity, Policy Studies, the Journal of Election Administration, Research and Practice, and Social Science Research.
One of the most significant, I argue, contributions in the study of Election Sciences, is my scholarship on voter education and the role it plays in building a resilient electorate and election system. This research is grounded in the work election officials are playing in informing voters, and which resources they have available to better service their voters. I discuss the different ways election officials educate their constituents in Local Election Administrators in the United States: The Frontline of Democracy (2024) which I co-edited with leading scholars in the election space. Since the 2020 election cycle, I have also been co-directing the Election Official Communications Tracker (with Dr. Mara Suttmann-Lea, Connecticut College), a big data collection and analysis project, which involves harvesting thousands of social media content by over 8,000 election officials across the United States. For the 2022 election cycle, I received a grant from MIT's Election Science and Data Lab to track state and local election officials' social media communications and identify best practices in how they combat misinformation. We are replicating these efforts during the 2024 cycle with the support form Public Agenda's Democracy Renewal Grant Program.
To further build on my ongoing research on voter education in the United States, I received a two-year contract from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (with Dr. Suttmann-Lea, Connecticut College), to design, administer and analyze a survey of state Chief Election Officials to document variation in voter education policies and resources allocated to voter education at the state level. This project will provide the foundation to replicate this study across the thousands of local election jurisdictions in the United States. You can read our report here.